Friday, March 2, 2012

Kekah( Presbytis Natunae )

Kekah( Presbytis Natunae )
Kekah is rare primates that exist only in Natuna. This is the Latin name primate Presbytis Natunae.
Kekah scattered in the mountains with an altitude of 1035 m below sea level. 
Kekah one of fauna that are threatened to extinction due to land conversion and poaching. Kekah the young have a higher sale value, as well as adults who have been trained kekah.
The number of people who want to maintain this Natuna Kekah, because the morphology is very funny and unique shape, his body in baluti by black fur is thick and white in color interspersed with the facial characteristics such as wearing glasses. In addition it is also easy to tame animals, and is considered to have prestige value if preserving it. Some people who keep claiming kekah very easy to take care, because kekah not be fed anything at all, as humans commonly eaten foods (rice, bread, milk, bananas, and vegetables). Of course, many cases of death kekah in maintenance due to the consumption of feed that is not appropriate.

Besides these primates is considered an enemy of the farmer as a kind of ape animals like to eat fruit, leaves, and tubers. With so many logging and rubber perkebunaan open it is increasingly threatened animal habitat conservation areas in the absence of the Natuna Islands. Therefore, the protective action against Kekah Natuna very urgent to be done. If not, in the near Kekah Natuna will become extinct, and the earth will lose one species of primates endemic in Indonesia.

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Botanical results of a trip to the Anambas and Natoena Islands. Serie III.
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